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participant since 4/22/2022

Kristin Kreider, MD

95.4% Patient Satisfaction based on 960 ratings

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About Kristin Kreider:

Kristin Kreider, MD, is originally from Virginia Beach and is now returning to her hometown to practice after serving in the United States Army. She completed her undergraduate degree at the University of Virginia and then attended Eastern Virginia Medical School. While at EVMS, she was part of the Health Professionals Scholarship Program, where she joined the Army. She attended Internship and Residency at San Antonio Uniformed Services Health Education Consortium (SAUSHEC). She then completed her Army commitment at Fort Stewart, Georgia. She is board certified and is a Fellow of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

She decided to go into OB/GYN due to her love of taking care of women through their different stages of life. She enjoys the diverse ways in which she can make a positive impact in women’s health, in the office, delivering babies, and performing surgery.

She and her husband, Chris, are busy with their two young children. They enjoy skiing and running, and are looking forward to spending time with family in the area.

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