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participant since 10/22/2018

Lacey McCauley, MMS

94.0% Patient Satisfaction based on 280 ratings

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About Lacey McCauley:

Lacey, is a Licensed and National Board Certified Physician Assistant with seven years of clinical, surgical and cosmetic dermatology experience. She received her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology with a focus in Natural Science from the University of Louisville. In 2011, she graduated with her Masters of Medical Science from Nova Southeastern University in Jacksonville, Florida. After graduation she practiced medical and cosmetic dermatology in Tampa, Florida and later relocated to Nashville, Tennessee. There she expanded her clinical base to include surgical dermatology. After years of private practice there, her passion and dedication for skin care flourished. This passion even drove her to become a preceptor for the Trevecca University Physician Assistant Program. Over the years Lacey has always had a strong interest for aesthetics and is excited to bring her dermatology education and skillset along with new knowledge in latest cosmetic techniques to her new patients.

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