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Lauren Amico Reed, PA-C, MMS

97.2% Patient Satisfaction based on 1115 ratings

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About Lauren Amico Reed:

Lauren Amico Reed, PA-C, MMS is the Director of Aesthetic Services at LJCSC and a board certified Aesthetic Physician Assistant.  She combines her skills and philosophy of compassionate care to create beautifully natural results, and offers the latest advances in aesthetic non-surgical procedures and treatments. 

Lauren offers a variety of non-surgical choices for self-improvement that complement the work of our surgeons. Our patients are delighted with her aesthetic eye and gentle touch. Lauren’s reputation as a perfectionist makes her a trusted, highly sought after practitioner.

Lauren graduated from the University of San Diego with dual majors in psychology with pre-med studies and business marketing. Her medical credentials and advanced medical degree were earned in the Stanford University School of Medicine Physician Associate Program. She performed her internships locally at Tri-City and Scripps La Jolla Hospitals.

She is board certified by the National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants and is a member of the Association of Plastic Surgery Physician Assistants and the American Association of Physician Assistants.

Contact This Provider

9850 Genesee Ave Suite 380 La Jolla, CA 92037

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