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participant since 3/2/2023

Lauren Beasley, MD, FACOG

96.4% Patient Satisfaction based on 296 ratings

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About Lauren Beasley:

Dr. Lauren M. Beasley is a board-certified obstetrician/gynecologist who joined Centre OB/GYN in 2023. Originally from Chesapeake, Virginia, she received her bachelor’s degree in biochemistry from Old Dominion University where graduated from the Honors College Magna Cum Laude. Dr. Beasley attended medical school at Eastern Virginia Medical School and completed her internship at New York Medical College at Westchester/Metropolitan Hospital in New York. She completed her residency training in obstetrics and gynecology at the Uniformed Services Health Education Consortium at Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio, TX after receiving a Health Physicians Scholarship with the U.S. Air Force. She was honored with the Special Resident in Minimally Invasive Gynecology award.

Upon graduation, Dr. Beasley was stationed at Langley Air Force Base in Hampton, Virginia from 2015-2019 where she was promoted to the rank of Major and served as the physician leader and coordinator for all obstetric emergency simulation drills as well as leader of the hospital-wide Surgical Disaster Team Readiness. After finishing her military career, she practiced in Columbia, SC from 2019-2022. Her special interests include providing patients with minimally invasive surgical options, infertility care, breastfeeding medicine and support, and looking at the whole patient.

Dr. Beasley is happy to now be a resident of Raleigh and loves exploring the city with her husband Knox, who is a dermatologist in the Army, and their two children. In her spare time, she enjoys cooking and trying new foods with her family, trips to the beach, traveling and sight-seeing, riding her Peloton bike, visiting museums, and attending symphony concerts. An interesting fact about Dr. Beasley is that her minor in college was musical performance and she was principal oboe in her college orchestra and symphonic band.

Contact This Provider

Medical Plaza at REX, 4414 Lake Boone Trail #205 Raleigh, NC 27607

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