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participant since 12/16/2024

Lauren Branche-James, MD

98.0% Patient Satisfaction based on 10 ratings

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About Lauren Branche-James:

Dr. Branche-James is a caring and compassionate physician who strives to provide comprehensive individualized care to her patients. She has a special interest in minimally invasive gynecologic surgery including laparoscopic and rrobotic-assistedprocedures. Her services include but are not limited to management of abnormal uterine bleeding, endometriosis, STD testing and treatment, contraception counseling, prenatal and postpartum care.

Dr. Branche-James is from New Rochelle, NY originally. She earned an undergraduate degree in clinical psychology from Tufts University in Massachusetts followed by a Masters in Biomedical Science at Tufts University School of Medicine. After leaving Massachusetts she obtained her Medical Degree as well as her Masters in Public Health at the University of Connecticut School of Medicine. She continued her education at the University of Connecticut where she completed her OBGYN residency training. Outside of the office Dr. Branche-James has a busy home life with two young sons that are full of energy!

Dr. Branche-James is a personable and accomplished physician who is ready to provide you with the quality care you deserve.

Contact This Provider

8171 Maple Lawn Blvd #100 Fulton, MD 20759

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