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participant since 12/28/2022

Laury Berkwitt, WHNP

98.6% Patient Satisfaction based on 485 ratings

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About Laury Berkwitt:

As a nurse practitioner specializing in women’s health, Laury Berkwitt, WHNP, has a passion for providing quality women’s health care in a safe and comfortable manner by creating a trusting patient-practitioner relationship. She has been in practice for 10 years, caring for women of all ages.

Laury is highly skilled in providing routine gynecological care, including cervical cytology, HPV testing, diagnosing and treating sexually transmitted infections, and managing premenstrual syndrome and painful periods. Laury also specializes in treating vaginitis, especially when it is chronic. She has particular interest in the care of young women and adolescents, and she loves to work with women to find the best contraceptive method for their unique bodies and needs.

Laury graduated with a Bachelor of Science in nursing from The University of Vermont in 1999 and received her Master of Science in nursing from Columbia University in 2003. Laury also completed the Colposcopy Mentorship Program provided by the American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology. She practiced as a registered nurse in New York City for three years, and as a nurse practitioner in Forest Hills, New York for seven years. Laury recently moved to Connecticut with her husband and two sons.

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