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participant since 2/18/2021

Lindsey DiTanna, MSN, CRNP, FNP-C

98.4% Patient Satisfaction based on 461 ratings

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About Lindsey DiTanna:

Lindsey graduated in 2013 from Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing and began her career as a Registered Nurse in Labor and Delivery at Mercy Medical Center. While there for 5 years she enjoyed practicing as a nurse and precepting new nursing staff. She joined the practice in 2016 as a cosmetic surgery RN caring for patients in the OR and recovery room. By the following year her role expanded to include PRP/ACELL treatments for hair restoration patients. After completing her Master’s degree in 2018 she joined the practice as a full-time Nurse Practitioner. She specializes in: PRP/ACELL for hair restoration, trichoscopy measurements of hair diameters, hair transplant FUE donor extractions of follicular units, assisting with strip (FUT) procedures as well as non-surgical treatments and skin care including, PRP for face, microneedling, lasers, BOTOX® Cosmetic and fillers.

Contact This Provider

4 Park Center Court, Suite 100 Owings Mills, MD 21117

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