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Mala A. Freeman-Kwaku, MD

97.0% Patient Satisfaction based on 1464 ratings

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About Mala Freeman-Kwaku:

Dr. Mala Freeman-Kwaku, a board certified obstetrician/gynecologist was born and raised in Norfolk, Virginia.

After completing her undergraduate degree and her medical training from the University of Virginia, she finished her residency at Georgetown University. Dr. Freeman-Kwaku joined Arboretum Obstetrics and Gynecology in 2002. After 20 years practicing Obstetrics, she has recently transitioned the practice to gynecological care only. She is married to Dr. Hans Kwaku and they have four children.

In her spare time Dr. Freeman enjoys spending time with her family, travel and being involved in her church. She also enjoys getting to know her patients very well and feels it is important to consider the whole woman when evaluating their health care needs.

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3125 Springbank Ln Charlotte, NC 28226

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