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participant since 12/29/2020

Marie Morel, MD

74.0% Patient Satisfaction based on 166 ratings

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About Marie Morel:

Dr. Marie-Ignace G. Morel, M.D., FACOG is a Perinatologist and the Director of Regional Perinatal Intensive Care Center. She is board-certified in Obstetrics and Gynecology and Maternal-Fetal Medicine. Currently she is practicing at Perinatal and Gynecologic Specialists of the Palm Beaches, Inc. in the West Palm Beach, Wellington and Boynton Beach offices.

With 19 years of experience in Obstetrics and Gynecology, and over 20 years experience in Maternal Fetal Medicine, Dr. Morel is quite the expert in her field. The one thing that sets her apart from others is the fact that she is a Perinatal High Risk Obstetrics Specialist, which means she cares for women with high risk pregnancies.

Dr. Morel, was raised in Brooklyn, New York and spent her education between Pennsylvania and New York. She attended Medical School at Hahnemann University in Philadelphia. Her Internal Medicine residency took place at LAC-USC Medical Center and her OB/GYN residency was spent at St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Medical Center in New York. Albert Einstein College of Medicine was where she completed her Maternal Fetal Medicine Fellowship, located in the Bronx, New York.

Originally from Haiti, Dr. Morel has spent much of her volunteer work in her native country. For the past 15 years she has traveled to the city of Milot, located in the northern part of Haiti, to provide care to underprivileged women at The Hospital of Sacred Heart. Other charities she is involved with include the following.

  • Gaskov-Clerge Foundation- provide health care and education scholarships to underprivileged in Cayes, Haiti
  • Knight of Malta Foundation– Provide health care to underprivileged worldwide
  • CRUDEM– organization established to urbanize the rural town of Milot, in Haiti

Locally, Dr. Morel supports Sickle Cell Foundation and Planned Parenthood.

Dr. Morel is single with one child. She enjoys reading, swimming, cooking and partying.

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