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participant since 1/11/2023

Mary Carter, NP

96.2% Patient Satisfaction based on 531 ratings

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About Mary Carter:

Gussie is a Richmond, VA native and obtained her Bachelor’s degree in nursing at the University of South Carolina. She has worked in the hospital setting caring for the high-risk obstetric population, as well as postpartum and gynecologic surgical patients. She went on to complete her Master’s degree in women’s health at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Since graduation, she has worked as a board-certified Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner in the Richmond area. Gussie is committed to providing the best possible care to her patients. She believes in exceptional, holistic, and quality care of women. She enjoys establishing relationships with patients and assisting them in bettering their overall health and wellness during the well-woman exam. Some of her professional interests include contraceptive counseling, preventative health maintenance, obstetrical care, and prenatal counseling.

While away from work, Gussie loves spending time with her husband, two daughters, and goldendoodle. As a mother of young children, she hopes to support others experiencing this wonderful and challenging phase of life.

Contact This Provider

7601 Forest Ave Ste 100 Richmond, VA 23229

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