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participant since 2/11/2021

Matthew D. Iammatteo, MD

97.4% Patient Satisfaction based on 1406 ratings

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About Matthew Iammatteo:

Entering his 29th year in private practice, Dr​. Matthew​ Iammatteo has had the pleasure of serving ​his​ community with expert Obstetrical and Gynecologic care. ​He also serves as the Vice Chairman of the Department of Obsetrics & Gynocology at Morristown Medical Center. In addition, he is the team physician for the New York Jets female employees and players/coaches spouses. ​His ​​goal​ is​ to ​provide expert healthcare and cultivate ​long lasting relationships.” The most rewarding aspect of my job is to be there for my patients and help them through the joys of childbirth as well as being there for the difficult times they may encounter.” Dr Iammatteo has several areas of special interest. His group in conjunction with Atlantic Maternal Fetal Medicine provide High Risk Ob care to their patients. He is a strong supporter of Vaginal Birth After Cesarean Section ( in appropriate patients) as well as skilled in the use of forceps. His gynecologic surgical areas of expertise include operative hysteroscopy, endometrial ablations, operative laparoscopy, vaginal hysterectomy, medical and surgical treatment of Vulvadynia (including surgical Vestibulectomy when indicated), The uplift procedure (when indicated) for women who experience painful intercourse. Dr. Iammatteo recently delivered his 8000th baby at Morristown Medical Center. ”It is truly my honor and privilege to have been present, and share in so many peoples’ lives” Dr. Iammatteo lives by his career motto, ” It​’​s not my job, it’s my life .“


Residency: Saint Michael’s Medical Center, Newark, NJ
Medical School: Ross University School of Medicine
Undergraduate: University of Maine, Orono, Maine

Board Certification

American Board of Obstetrics & Gynecology

Membership & Societies

Lifeline Medical Associates Board Member, Parsippany, NJ
Vice Chairman Dept. Obstetric and Gynecology Morristown Medical Center, Morristown, NJ
Chairman of Care Review Committee, Morristown Medical Center, Morristown, NJ
Fellow American College of OB/GYN
Fellow American College of Surgeons
Fellow American Society of Colposcopy

Hospital Appointments

Morristown Medical Center, Morristown, NJ

State Licensures

State of New Jersey

Contact This Provider

111 Madison Ave Suite 311 Morristown, NJ 07960

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