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participant since 2/17/2021

Megan L. McEllistrem, DO

96.2% Patient Satisfaction based on 946 ratings

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About Megan McEllistrem:

University Attended: Bachelor’s degree from St Catherine’s College

Medical school in Kansas City, MO

Residency at UMN Medical School

About Me:

After graduating from high school and college, I began adventuring. I learned to whitewater raft in Colorado, I spent a night in a shelter at a park in the Porcupine Mountains while tornados passed overhead, I backpacked Europe (12 countries in 2 months) with my twin sister and two best friends, I biked down a Volcano in Hawaii at sunrise, I zip-lined thought Costa Rica, I let a sea lion lick my leg in the Galápagos Islands. I performed no less than 50 pelvic exams in a scorching hot exam room in Honduras with Dr. Waschbusch. I took 12 medical students to Ghana to run a hospital and surgical ward. I have deep sea fished countless times with zero success, I snorkeled off the Belizean coast with sharks and a dolphin pod in the middle of the ocean, and there has been countless adventures between. I like fun.


After graduating from St Catherine’s College, I attended medical school in Kansas City, MO. I completed a grueling residency at the University of Minnesota. I have been board certified since 2011 and became an adjunct professor at the University of Minnesota Medical School. I regularly take on medical students and residents to help train the next generation of physician dedicated to the highest level of care for patients.

Why I Went Into This Field:

My greatest interests in medicine are the long-term relationships I get to have with my patients. I very much enjoy all areas of obstetrics, including high-risk pregnancies. I love minimally invasive surgical procedures and in general am very glad to be a part of your care.

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