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Melody R. Adler, MD

95.6% Patient Satisfaction based on 311 ratings

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About Melody Adler:

Dr. Melody Adler, a Virginia native, completed her undergraduate degree at Duke University, her medical degree at MCV, and OBGYN residency at Vanderbilt University Medical Center.

Dr. Adler enjoys practicing the full spectrum of obstetric and gynecological care. She especially enjoys delivering babies and caring for women during normal and high risk pregnancies. She cares for women from adolescence to menopause and is experienced in medical and surgical management of bleeding, pain and other gynecological conditions. She performs a wide range of minimally invasive procedures.

Dr. Adler moved back to the area to be closer to family. When she is not working she enjoys running, gardening and spending time with her husband and 2 young children.

Contact This Provider

1717 Will O Wisp Drive, #250 Virginia Beach, VA 23454

2075 Glenn Mitchell Dr #410 Virginia Beach, VA 23456

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