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participant since 7/16/2021

Michael Demishev, MD

94.0% Patient Satisfaction based on 184 ratings

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About Michael Demishev:

As a maternal–fetal medicine specialist, I see patients who have different risk factors that can complicate pregnancy, such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension, autoimmune disorders, and infections, as well as those with a diagnosis of structural and chromosomal fetal abnormalities.

My team and I specialize in fetal sonograms during pregnancy for the detection of structural malformations. We also perform invasive diagnostic procedures such as chorionic villae sampling and amniocentesis, as well as fetal therapy programs using minimally invasive techniques for the treatment of twin to twin transfusion syndrome, fetal anemia, and obstruction and blockage in certain organs.

I always have two patients to take care of—the mother and the fetus. Balancing the wellbeing of both is our first priority. All treatment plans and management are always made together with patients.

My team and I are dedicated to women’s health and providing excellent service for all of our patients.

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