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participant since 11/21/2024

Michele Fischer, RN

98.8% Patient Satisfaction based on 18 ratings

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Michele  Fischer, RN

(858) 453-7224

About, locations & contact info

About Michele Fischer:

Michele has been an aesthetic nurse at Faces+ since 2007. Originally from Philadelphia, PA, she graduated from Penn State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing. Michele started her career as a Neuro ICU nurse and traveled throughout the U.S. After traveling to San Diego, she discovered her passion for aesthetic nursing. She has been trained and certified as an expert injector in neurotoxins and dermal fillers. Her goal is to help her clients look refreshed and youthful in the most natural way. Michele is known for her gentle touch while creating facial balance and harmony.

Her valuable and extensive experience in the operating room has allowed her to travel the world with Dr. Steven Cohen, where they educate and demonstrate unique techniques used within the Faces+ practice.

In her spare time, Michele enjoys spending time with her son Mason and her husband Jason.

Contact This Provider

4510 Executive Dr #200 San Diego, CA 92121

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