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participant since 12/17/2020

Michele Lemay, MD

94.8% Patient Satisfaction based on 1144 ratings

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About Michele Lemay:

For over 15 years, Michele LeMay, MD, has specialized in obstetrics and gynecology in Bradenton, Florida. Listed among the top doctors in her field by Sarasota Magazine for the past five years, Dr. LeMay is well known and loved in the community. She has taken care of many families over the years.

Dr. LeMay received her medical degree from Drexel University College of Medicine in Philadelphia and completed her residency training at Hahnemann University Hospital, an affiliate of Drexel University. Her special interests include female sexual health, menopause, and hormone management, as well as laser treatments for both gynecologic and cosmetic conditions.

Dr. LeMay is certified by the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ABOG) and currently the Chief of Surgery at Manatee Memorial Hospital.

Contact This Provider

5323 4th Ave Cir E Bradenton, FL 34208

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