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participant since 5/2/2019

Michele Petrillo, BSN, RN

96.0% Patient Satisfaction based on 324 ratings

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About Michele Petrillo:

Michele Petrillo joined Dr. Skalicky in 2006 as a Nurse Injector. She brings over 35 years of nursing experience and expertise to his surgical practice. Michele has worked with injectors from around the world in an effort to “learn from the best” and has developed her own unique injection techniques. Her efforts have cultivated an active injectable practice earning her the respect of physicians and colleagues in her field.

Michele received her Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing from Villanova University. While she has practiced in a variety of clinical settings, prior to injecting, she has found Facial Aesthetics to be her “niche” and finds it both challenging and rewarding. Michele frequently teaches beginner, mid-level and advanced injection techniques to nurses, physicians and dentists. Her passion for injecting is reflected in her commitment to ongoing medical education for the purpose of remaining abreast of new and current procedures related to the Art and Science of Injectables.

Michele sees patients for a full range of injectable services in Bucks County on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Those services include Botox, Dysport, Xeomin, Voluma, Restylane Lift, Radiesse, Juvederm XC, Juvederm Ultra Plus, Restylane-L, Restylane Silk and Belotero.

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