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participant since 10/31/2024

Miranda Gener Betancourt, APRN, CNM

97.0% Patient Satisfaction based on 26 ratings

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About Miranda Gener Betancourt:

Miranda Gener Betancourt, APRN, CNM, is a certified nurse midwife dedicated to providing compassionate, trauma-informed care to women throughout their lifespan. Originally from Miami, Florida, Miranda earned a Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Sciences with a focus in genetics from the University of Central Florida. She then completed a Bachelor of Nursing at Barry University, where her passion for women’s health was ignited.

With four years of experience as a labor and delivery nurse in both low-risk and high-risk obstetrics units, Miranda has honed her skills in managing complex pregnancies and supporting families during critical moments. She further advanced her expertise by obtaining a Master of Science in Nursing, specializing as a nurse-midwife, and is currently completing a Doctorate in Nursing Practice.

Miranda is committed to honoring the perinatal period through evidence-based practices that empower women. She believes in creating a supportive environment that prioritizes individualized care and fosters strong, trusting relationships with her patients. By integrating her clinical knowledge with a holistic approach, Miranda aims to guide women through their reproductive journeys with dignity and respect.

In addition to her clinical practice, Miranda is passionate about continuing education and staying current with the latest advancements in midwifery. She looks forward to partnering with women to support their health and well-being at every stage of life.

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