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Nicole DeQuattro, MD, FACOG

93.4% Patient Satisfaction based on 240 ratings

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About Nicole DeQuattro:

With her expertise in preventive care and treating complex gynecological issues and menopausal symptoms, board-certified OB/GYN Nicole DeQuattro, MD, FACOG can help women of all ages. She cares for patients at Capital Women’s Care in Laurel and Silver Spring, Maryland.

Dr. DeQuattro began her education at the College of the Holy Cross in Massachusetts, where she completed her undergraduate studies on a full athletic scholarship. After graduating cum laude and being selected into Phi Beta Kappa, Dr. DeQuattro was accepted into medical school.

She received the United States Army Health Professions Scholarship to finish her medical degree from Brown Medical school in Rhode Island. Dr. DeQuattro received the Postgraduate Referral Committee’s highest level of distinction when she graduated from medical school.

To complete her educational requirements, Dr. DeQuattro went through both her internship and obstetrics and gynecology residency at Madigan Army Medical Center in Washington. Throughout her career, Dr. DeQuattro served as an army officer and OB/GYN physician where she worked in the OB/GYN department at a community hospital. She also served as a brigade surgeon and was part of the medical center teaching staff while working on the base.

Dr. DeQuattro is currently a fellow of the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. She’s also board certified through the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Her philosophy of care is to work closely with patients to develop a fully informed, individualized, and optimal health care plan. Dr. DeQuattro is currently accepting new patients and welcomes them to the practice.

Contact This Provider

1400 Forest Glen Rd Suite 525, Suite 250 Silver Spring, MD 20910

7350 Van Dusen Road, Suite 460 Laurel, MD 20707

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