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participant since 3/15/2022

Patricia Dudley, MSN, FNP-BC

97.8% Patient Satisfaction based on 741 ratings

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About Patricia Dudley:

Patty was raised since the age of eight in southern Virginia Beach. She is a graduate of Kellam High School. She received her BSN from Old Dominion University in 2000. While working in the CCU at Sentara Virginia Beach General Hospital, Patty obtained her MSN in the family nurse practitioner program from ODU in 2003. After graduation, she joined the practice of Dr. Diane Coltrin and worked in women’s health until the closing of the office in December 2012.

Patty enjoys forming special relationships with patients and their families. She loves adolescent health issues as well as caring for women through all life stages. She has a special interest in the cardiac health of women.

Patty’s hobbies include boating, gourmet cooking, and traveling with her family. She lives in Pungo with her husband Michael and their three boys: Jackson, Patrick, and Cooper.

Contact This Provider

1717 Will O Wisp Drive, #250 Virginia Beach, VA 23454

2075 Glenn Mitchell Dr #410 Virginia Beach, VA 23456

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