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participant since 11/18/2021

Patricia Perfetto, MD, FACOG

97.6% Patient Satisfaction based on 695 ratings

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About Patricia Perfetto:

Patricia Perfetto, MD, FACOG, is a board-certified women’s health specialist at West Kendall OBGYN who is dedicated to serving women in Doral, Florida, and the Kendall and West Kendall areas of Miami.

Dr. Perfetto was born in Venezuela and received her degree from the prestigious Universidad Central de Venezuela in Caracas. She served her obstetrics and gynecology residency at the Maternidad Concepción Palacios, Caracas, before moving to the United States.

In the US, Dr. Perfetto applied for and received certification from the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates, an independent body that assesses how prepared international medical graduates are to enter a residency or fellowship in the U.S. She then went on to successfully complete a second obstetrics and gynecology residency program at Aurora Sinai Medical Center in Milwaukee, an affiliate of the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health.

Dr. Perfetto takes great pride in providing her patients with the highest level of holistic health care and takes the time to develop a personal relationship with all her patients.

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