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Paul M. Dicker, MD

97.0% Patient Satisfaction based on 1149 ratings

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About Paul Dicker:

Dr. Paul Dicker, born in New York City and raised in Essex County, New Jersey, graduated from Rutgers College as the Valedictorian in a class of over 2,200 students. Dr. Dicker, who then attended the New York University School of Medicine, completed his medical training in an obstetrics and gynecology residency program at New York University Medical Center/Bellevue Hospital Center in Manhattan. After serving as Chief Resident in the program, Dr. Dicker relocated to Bergen County, New Jersey.

During his residency, Dr. Dicker received advanced training in both laparoscopic and hysteroscopic surgery. Furthermore, he demonstrated a special interest in perinatology (the field of high-risk obstetrics), infertility and menopausal medicine. While in residency, Dr. Dicker worked with renowned experts in each of these fields, affording him the opportunity to interact directly with those physicians and researchers at the cutting edge of both the diagnosis and therapy of many complex conditions affecting women today.

Dr. Dicker serves as a Board Member of Lifeline Medical Associates, LLC, a statewide group comprised of over 120 Ob/Gyn physicians that is the parent company of The Center for Women’s Health. Serving as a Board Member, Dr. Dicker plays a vital role in guiding the organization towards its goal of improving the health of women throughout New Jersey.

Dr. Dicker was a charter member of the Medem Physicians Advisory Committee, a group of 15 doctors from across the nation charged with actively shaping the present and future course of Medem, the server which administered the original office website (as well as the websites of over 80,000 physicians throughout the United States). In this capacity, Dr. Dicker had a hand in shaping the very exciting future of electronic communication between physician and patient — an area of enormous potential which significantly improves upon the physician-patient relationship and, therefore, the delivery of quality health care across the country.

Dr. Dicker served as Chairman of the Department of Ob/Gyn at Pascack Valley Hospital in Westwood, NJ, until the hospital’s closing in November of 2007. He also served as the Director of the hospital’s Ob/Gyn Residency Program. Dr. Dicker currently serves on the Executive Board of the Valley Hospital Ob/Gyn Co-Management program. In these capacities, Dr. Dicker has demonstrated his determination to improve the medical care provided to women in Bergen County and to train future physicians in providing this care.

Dr. Dicker currently lives in River Vale with his wife, a certified lactation consultant with extensive experience in maternal-child health nursing, and their two daughters.


Residency: NYU/Bellevue Hospital Center
Internship: NYU/Bellevue Hospital Center
Medical School: New York University School of Medicine
Undergraduate: Rutgers College, BA, Biological Sciences

Board Certification

American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Memberships & Societies

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
U.S Women’s Health Alliance

Hospital Appointments

The Valley Hospital
Hackensack UMC at Pascack Valley

State Licensures

State of New Jersey

Contact This Provider

270 Old Hook Rd # 2 Westwood, NJ 07675

1 W Ridgewood Ave #209 Paramus, NJ 07652

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