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participant since 5/15/2017

Paul Rottler, MD, FACS

98.0% Patient Satisfaction based on 510 ratings

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Paul  Rottler, MD, FACS


About, locations & contact info

About Paul Rottler:

Paul Rottler, MD, FACS has over twenty-five years of experience in cosmetic surgery in St. Louis of the face, breasts, and body as well as extensive experience in reconstructive surgery. His kind and friendly manner puts his patients at ease. We encourage you to come in for a personal consultation, during which Dr. Rottler will listen to your desires and goals for cosmetic surgery in St. Louis and then make recommendations.


  • 1993 American Board of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons
  • 1994 CAQ Hand Surgery

Medical Society Memberships:

Dr. Rottler believes that active membership in professional societies is a necessary tool in staying current with the latest surgical techniques and medical developments. He has achieved membership in many professional societies, some of which are listed below:

Paul Rottler, M.D., F.A.C.S – Board Certified in Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery

Personal Note:

Along with his busy solo practice in Kirkwood, Missouri, Dr. Rottler is an active volunteer and team leader with Interplast, Inc., Operation Smile and the Haiti Medical Mission. These organizations offer surgery in other countries free of charge to the patient who would otherwise live their lifetime with birth defects. Dr. Rottler is also the Medical Director & Team Leader of St. Luke’s Cleft Lip & Palate Team. Dr. Rottler is an avid sports fan and enjoys baseball, football, and hockey. Dr. Rottler is a native of St. Louis, Missouri and enjoys spending his free time with his family.

Contact This Provider

13625 Big Bend Road St. Louis, MO 63122

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