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Paul Vitenas, MD

94.6% Patient Satisfaction based on 1310 ratings

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About Paul Vitenas:

Houston plastic surgeon Dr. Paul Vitenas believes that every patient is unique and requires a personalized plan to achieve their goals. His focus in cosmetic surgery is dedicated to the fine art of achieving beautiful and natural appearing aesthetic results.

Named one of the best plastic surgeons in Houston many times over, Dr. Vitenas has over 20 years of experience helping patients achieving their individual goals and desires.

"We believe in the relentless pursuit of perfection and see no substitute for trying to obtain it in all that we do. We want our patients to feel welcome in our office and establish long term relationships for their needs. Lastly we can not overemphasize the important nature of the artistic component of cosmetic surgery, it is, above all else the defining feature of this type of work."  -- Dr. Vitenas

Board Certification

American Board of Plastic Surgery

Contact This Provider

4208 Richmond Ave, Suite 200 Houston, TX 77027

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