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Ralph E. Joseph, DO, FACOG

97.8% Patient Satisfaction based on 414 ratings

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About Ralph Joseph:

Ralph E. Joseph, DO, FACOG has a colorful history from growing up all over the world as a military brat, to his service in the Navy as a submariner, diver, nuclear weapons, demolitions Petty Officer to his college at University of Texas where he graduated Magna Cum Laude Chemical Engineering then to medical school at Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine. Internship at University of Texas Southwestern Medical School and OB/GYN Residency at Brooke Army Medical Center, Fort Hood during Desert Storm, then leaving military service 1993. He did his first delivery in 1985 and has delivered more than 8,000 babies in his career. He has served as a Professor OB/GYN at Texas A&M Scott & White and Southwestern Medical School. He currently serves as the medical director for the Hormone Treatment Centers of America. He also teaches Biodentical Hormone Replacement where doctors come from all over the U.S. to be trained each month by him.

Contact This Provider

1600 Coit Road, Suite 206 Plano, TX 75075

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