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Randy Rudderman, MD

97.2% Patient Satisfaction based on 557 ratings

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About Randy Rudderman:

Dr. Randal Rudderman is a plastic surgeon in Alpharetta, Georgia who has been serving patients through private practice since 1989. 

Dr. Rudderman believes that in order to provide his patients with beautiful results and be able to improve their lives, he must understand and balance the patient's desire, body frame, and genetics. Dr. Rudderman's experience with scientific, biomechanical, and technical aspects of plastic surgery give him a foundation of experience that is not available to most plastic surgeons in private practice.

Dr. Rudderman works as a partner in a research group that searches for potential cancer fighting compounds from natural plant products in South East Asia. Several compounds have been identified that are in trials at the National Cancer Institute. Furthermore, Dr. Rudderman is a member of several medical organizations including the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, and the Foundation's International Facial Injury Classification Committee.

Board Certification

American Board of Plastic Surgery

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