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participant since 8/22/2016

Richard V. Balikian, MD, FACS

96.0% Patient Satisfaction based on 1109 ratings

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About Richard Balikian:

Dr. Balikian is a double board certified facial plastic surgeon in Murrieta, California. Dr. Balikian graduated from Boston University Medical School where he was honored and elected to the AOA Medical Honors Society for graduating in the top ten percent of graduating physicians. After medical school, he completed an internship in General Surgery, followed by four years of residency training in Head and Neck and Facial Plastic Surgery at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City. During this time Dr. Balikian developed a keen knowledge of the intricate anatomy of the face, head and neck. He was awarded the prestigious Davidoff Award for achievement in teaching.

Throughout his career, Dr. Balikian has published numerous articles in medical journals and has authored textbook chapters related to plastic surgery of the face, head, and neck. Dr. Balikian also maintains membership in several professional societies. He has been enthusiastically involved with charitable foundations such as the “Face to Face” program, which provides victims of domestic violence pro-bono cosmetic and reconstructive surgery. 


Board Certification

American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
American Board of Otolaryngology

Contact This Provider

25220 Hancock Ave #115 Murrieta, CA 92562

1431 Camino Del Mar Del Mar, CA 92014

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