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participant since 1/8/2021

Richard Murray, MD

97.8% Patient Satisfaction based on 3846 ratings

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About Richard Murray:

Richard D. Murray, MD, FACOG, is a board certified gynecologist at Premier Women's Care of Southwest Florida. He joined the practice in 2020 and currently sees patients at the office in Fort Myers, Florida.

Prior to joining Premier Women's Care of Southwest Florida, Dr. Murray maintained a well-respected solo practice in Fort Myers for 23 years. He is a triple Gator, completing his undergraduate degree, medical degree, and residency training all from the University of Florida in Gainesville.

Dr. Murray is board-certified through the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology and is a fellow of the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. He is a member of the Florida Medical Association and Lee County Medical Society including past president in 2005. He has been recognized by Gulfshore Life and Castle Connolly Medical Ltd. as a Top Doctor Award recipient many times. He credits his patients for any accolades.

Dr. Murray specializes in-office gynecology, minimally invasive procedures, bleeding abnormalities, abnormal Pap smears, vulvar skin disorders, hysterectomy alternatives, second opinions, and menopause.

Dr. Murray is married and a father to twins. In his free time, he enjoys biking and playing with golden retrievers. He is currently accepting new patients at Premier Women's Care of Southwest Florida.

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