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Ronald F. Less, MD, FACOG

95.2% Patient Satisfaction based on 583 ratings

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About Ronald Less:

Dr. Ronald Less earned his medical degree at Rush Medical College in Chicago, Illinois in 1992 and completed his residency in 1996 at Illinois Masonic Medical Center in Chicago. He is board certified as a Fellow in the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (FACOG) and the American Urogynecologic Society (AUGS).

Dr. Less has special medical interests in high-risk obstetrics, including twin pregnancies, as well as robotic and minimally invasive surgery.

His goal is to develop long-term relationships with patients, and he was drawn to the unique combination of medicine and surgery that the practice of obstetrics and gynecology offers. He especially enjoys the uplifting experience of being involved with delivering babies. Dr. Less believes his patients are partners in their health care, and his philosophy is to provide progressive, compassionate health care to women, whether guiding them through their pregnancy journey or through complex gynecological issues.

In his free time, he enjoys biking with his wife, playing golf with his three children, and rooting for his favorite baseball team.

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