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Rosabelle Campos, MD

96.6% Patient Satisfaction based on 433 ratings

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About Rosabelle Campos:

Rosabelle Campos, MD, has a background in nutrition and women’s health and helps patients in Bradenton, Florida, use preventive strategies to achieve better health. Dr. Campos is bilingual and speaks both Spanish and English with her patients.

Dr. Campos earned her bachelor’s degree from the University of Florida in Gainesville and completed medical school and her residency at the University of South Florida in Tampa. Certified by the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ABOG), Dr. Campos had several years of experience in Tampa prior to relocating to Bradenton and joining the West Coast Obstetrics & Gynecology team.

Dr. Campos’ special interests include preventive health care, management of abnormal periods, basic infertility, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), and gynecologic surgeries.

When she’s not working, Dr. Campos shares her talents as a volunteer at various Central Florida charity clinics. She also loves to read, cook, jog, and spend time with her family.

Contact This Provider

5323 4th Ave Cir E Bradenton, FL 34208

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