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participant since 10/12/2021

Roxanna Cueto-Alvarez, MSN, ARNP, CNM

95.0% Patient Satisfaction based on 8 ratings

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About Roxanna Cueto-Alvarez:

Roxanna Cueto-Alvarez, MSN, APRN, CNM

Roxanna joined Hibiscus in December of 2015. She received her Nurse-Midwife/MPH degree from the University of Puerto Rico Medical Science Campus in 2006. She moved to Florida in 2007 and practiced in south Florida before joining Hibiscus Women's Center. Roxanna specializes in well woman care from puberty and childbearing age. Roxanna is bilingual and is able to serve the Spanish speaking population as well. She loves delivering babies.

Roxanna is the mother of three children.

Contact This Provider

330 E Hibiscus Blvd Melbourne, FL 32901

1765 Berglund Lane, Suite 102 Melbourne, FL 32940-3155

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