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Sami M. Mufarrij, MD, FACOG

96.8% Patient Satisfaction based on 405 ratings

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About Sami Mufarrij:

Dr. Sami Mufarrij graduated from The George Washington University with a Bachelor's of Science in Biology. He then obtained his Medical Degree from Ross University School of Medicine. He returned to The George Washington University to complete his residency training in obstetrics and gynecology.

Dr. Sami Mufarrij now serves as an Assistant Clinical Professor at The George Washington University School of Medicine and Ross University School of Medicine. He has been the recipient of several distinguished faculty and teaching awards.

His interest areas include minimally invasive gynecologic surgery, high-risk obstetrics, and fertility surgery (including tubal re-anastomosis and excision of endometriosis), and vaginal surgery.

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