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Sara Mirghani, MD

98.8% Patient Satisfaction based on 790 ratings

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About Sara Mirghani:

Dr. Sara Mirghani has just returned to Maryland after serving the women of the Philadelphia, PA area and is looking forward to providing quality care to the women in her home state. Dr. Mirghani has a special interest in preventative care, contraceptive counseling, minimally invasive surgery, and high risk obstetrics.

After graduating with Honors from the University of Maryland, College Park with a degree in Psychology and a minor in Arabic, she completed medical school at the George Washington University School of Medicine. During her time in medical school, she became interested in global health and had the opportunity to provide healthcare to women in Kenya and Ecuador. She then completed her OBGYN residency at the Albert Einstein Medical Center in Philadelphia, PA where she served as administrative chief resident and received multiple recognitions including awards for providing compassionate care, excellence in teaching, and excellence in obstetrics.

Dr. Mirghani believes that the most rewarding aspect of practicing medicine is the opportunity to form lasting relationships with her patients and to provide longitudinal healthcare to women throughout their lifetime. She looks forward to creating a safe and compassionate space for her patients. In her free time, Dr. Mirghani enjoys traveling and spending time with her family and friends.

Contact This Provider

9715 Medical Center Dr., Suite 415 Rockville, MD 20850

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