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Sarah Potash, MD

96.4% Patient Satisfaction based on 836 ratings

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About Sarah Potash:

Dr. Potash has worked at Morristown Medical Center with Dr. Iammatteo for 21 years and is excited about joining the practice. In addition to providing years of excellent gynecological and obstetrical care to her private patients, Dr. Potash also volunteers as Medical Director at First Choice Women’s Resource Centers and is on the Board of Directors. Dr. Potash reads hundreds of ultrasounds each year allowing the women at the centers to get needed obstetric care. She graduated from Rutgers Medical School and received her undergraduate degree from the College of William & Mary. When not dedicating herself to her profession, she can be found with her husband and 3 sons in LBI. Next to her family, connecting with patients and providing excellent care has been her main commitment and brought her the most joy for the last two decades.

Contact This Provider

111 Madison Ave Suite 311 Morristown, NJ 07960

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