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participant since 2/25/2021

Sardana Belkin, MD

95.6% Patient Satisfaction based on 144 ratings

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About Sardana Belkin:

Dr. Belkin has been providing personalized care to Monmouth county women for over 10 years. She takes great pride in her professional and caring approach to treating patients. Dr. Belkin performed research at Cornell University Medical College and is named in several research publications. When not treating patients, Dr. Belkin enjoys spending time with her husband and two children.

Undergraduate: Rutgers University, BA Biochemistry 1994
Medical School: SUNY at Brooklyn College of Medicine 1999
Residency: UNDNJ- Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital
Language Fluency: Russian
Board Certified

Contact This Provider

831 Tennent Rd Manalapan Township, NJ 07726

921 E County Line Rd Lakewood, NJ 08701

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