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participant since 1/20/2023

Shannon Sutherland, MD

98.6% Patient Satisfaction based on 619 ratings

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About Shannon Sutherland:

Shannon Sutherland, MD, MIPH received her Doctor of Medicine from New York Medical College in 2014 and completed her obstetrics and gynecology residency at the University of Connecticut School of Medicine in 2018. She also earned her Master of International Public Health (MIPH) degree from the University of Queensland in Australia and Bachelor of Arts in biology, cum laude, with a concentration in premedicine from The College of The Holy Cross. She obtained her ObGyn fellowship assisting in high risk obstetrical management in labor and delivery, urogynecology, GYN oncology and REI.

Dr. Sutherland has developed a number of medical presentations, including a presentation at the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists’ (ACOG) 2018 Annual Meeting, entitled “An Association between Anemia and Postpartum Depression."

Dr. Sutherland is a recipient of many awards, such as Administrative Chief Resident for UCONN Ob/Gyn Residency Program, Connecticut Ob/Gyn Research Day: 1st place for Best Original Research, the Sanford Sall, MD, Award in Obstetrics and Gynecology, and an award for excellence in patient care.

Dr. Sutherland is truly inspired by empowering and supporting women with knowledge of their own bodies. She enjoys meeting new people and lifting up other women, supporting them through all stages of their lives.

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