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participant since 2/28/2023

Shivani Agarwal, MD

95.2% Patient Satisfaction based on 365 ratings

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About Shivani Agarwal:

Dr. Agarwal is originally from Kolkata, India. She completed her undergraduate degree in Biomedical Engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. After graduation, Dr. Agarwal worked as a research engineer in Los Angeles and New York city. She then attended Upstate Medical University in New York for medical school and Rutgers NJMS for residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology. She subsequently moved to Rockville to join CWC.

Dr. Agarwal enjoys all aspects of generalist practice, but takes a particular interest in complex contraception and gynecologic surgery. She speaks Hindi and Bengali fluently, and conversational Spanish.

Contact This Provider

9711 Medical Center Drive, Suite 109 Rockville, MD 20850

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