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participant since 1/24/2023

Shoshana Zax, CNM

98.0% Patient Satisfaction based on 530 ratings

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About Shoshana Zax:

Shoshana Zax, CNM, graduated from Harvard-Radcliffe College with an BA in History of Science. She then attended Yale School of Nursing, where she received an MSN and became certified by the American College of Nurse Midwives. She has been in clinical practice since 1985, when she began working as a full scope midwife at a staff model HMO in New Haven. In 1993 she began working at Comprehensive Gynecology of CT (formerly Fine and Gillette), providing well-woman and problem focused health care to women of all ages. Since 1990 she has also been a clinical faculty member (courtesy) at Yale School of Nursing. Shoshana also enjoys practicing yoga, knitting, and hiking.

Contact This Provider

60 Washington Ave Suite 201 & 206 Hamden, CT 06518

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