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Simeon Wall, Jr., MD

96.2% Patient Satisfaction based on 1690 ratings

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About Simeon Wall, Jr.:

Dr. Simeon Wall, Jr. is an aesthetic plastic surgeon in private practice in Shreveport, LA. He earned his undergraduate degree from The University of Texas at Austin, and his medical degree from The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio.

Dr. Wall Jr. completed his combined General Surgery and Plastic Surgery residency at Stanford University Medical Center, where he met and trained with his future wife and partner plastic surgeon, Dr. Holly Wall. Upon the completion of their training at Stanford, the Drs. Wall joined Dr. Simeon Wall Sr, to complete Dr. Wall Jr's lifelong desire to practice with his father.

Dr. Wall Jr, his wife Dr. Holly Wall, and his father Dr. Simeon Wall Sr, are all plastic surgeons who specialize in cosmetic surgery, practicing together at The Wall Center for Plastic Surgery, a fixture in Louisiana for over forty years. In 2009, they completed construction of their full-service aesthetic center- a 17,000 square foot facility housing a State, AAAASF, and Medicare-certified Ambulatory Surgery Center, comprehensive laser center & medispa, extended stay guest suites, private fitness center, and plastic surgery clinic.

Dr. Wall Jr.'s practice is focused on primary and revisionary breast enhancement & body contouring, with an interest in facial rejuvenation and rhinoplasty. He is credited with the development and refinement of SAFELipo, which is a non-thermal, multi-step, comprehensive body contouring process incorporating liposuction, fat redistribution (fat shifting), and fat grafting.

Board Certification

American Board of Plastic Surgery

Contact This Provider

8600 Fern Ave Shreveport, LA 71105

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