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participant since 10/9/2020

Steven M. Silvers, DO

98.0% Patient Satisfaction based on 177 ratings

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About Steven Silvers:

Women looking for experienced, compassionate medical care often choose Dr. Steven Silvers for their feminine needs. Dr. Silvers is a board-certified obstetrician-gynecologist who has been serving patients in South Florida for more than 30 years. His comprehensive approach to patient care includes treatment of medical issues as well as surgical procedures when warranted. He even serves as an impromptu psychologist when necessary, as patients bring a host of concerns and problems to his office.

Experience You Can Count On

Dr. Silvers is board certified by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. His established practice works with women from a wide array of backgrounds and with a variety of needs and concerns. In addition to serving his patients well, he is seen as an expert in his field throughout the community. He has been brought in as a professional expert on television programs and has been interviewed by local news stations that have come to trust his medical knowledge and compassion for patients.

Professional Care You Can Trust

Dr. Silvers and his team pride themselves on offering boutique services with personalized care. Whether you just found out you are pregnant or are looking for ways to address symptoms of menopause, Dr. Silvers provides top-notch care and treatments geared to your precise needs. Choose from both surgical and nonsurgical procedures, all delivered with the highest level of professionalism and attention. Dr. Silvers treats all types of patients and issues, including international and high-profile patients, with extreme confidentiality.

Contact This Provider

4302 Alton Rd # 460 Miami, FL 33140

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