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participant since 11/30/2022

Theresa Paduda, APRN

96.2% Patient Satisfaction based on 150 ratings

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About Theresa Paduda:

Theresa is a Board Certified Family Nurse Practitioner. She attained her Bachelors in Nursing from Florida Atlantic University and worked as a Registered Nurse for 14 years. She has spent the majority of her career working in Women’s Health, maternity, newborn nursery and Labor and Delivery. Theresa also holds a Master degree in Family Practice with an emphasis on woman’s care. Theresa is not only involved in the clinical care but functions as the administrator for the practice. She is in a unique position which allows her to use her knowledge on the clinical as well as the business part of the practice when interacting with patients. She is our surgical coordinator and as such she has in depth knowledge of all the surgical procedures done in office as well as in the hospital. She also compliments the practice with her understanding of gynecological cosmetic procedures done in our office and enjoys educating the patients about all services that are offered.

Contact This Provider

2800 S Seacrest Blvd #220 Boynton Beach, FL 33435

1495 Forest Hill Blvd West Palm Beach, FL 33406

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