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Thomas Ein, MD, FACOG

94.6% Patient Satisfaction based on 105 ratings

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About Thomas Ein:

Board-certified OB/GYN Thomas Ein, MD, FACOG has extensive experience in modern gynecological procedures and high-risk obstetrics. Dr. Ein is currently accepting new patients at Capital Women’s Care in Laurel and Silver Spring, Maryland.

After completing his undergraduate studies from The George Washington University (GWU) in Washington, DC, Dr. Ein was accepted into medical school at the same institution. He earned his medical degree, then went through both his internship and obstetrics and gynecology residency at The George Washington University Hospital.

Dr. Ein is a fellow of the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and a board-certified OB/GYN through the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Previously, Dr. Ein served as the chairman of the board of Capital Women’s Care since its inception in 1998. He currently serves as a clinical professor of obstetrics at GWU.

With special interests in minimally-invasive hysteroscopic treatment of abnormal uterine bleeding and surgical treatment of chronic conditions, Dr. Ein can successfully help resolve complex disorders of the uterus and ovaries. Throughout his career, Dr. Ein has delivered over 3,000 babies and has been recognized in the Washingtonian Magazine’s list of Top Doctors for several years.

When Dr. Ein isn’t busy caring for patients, he spends time with his wife and their three children. He enjoys snow skiing, golfing, biking, running, and boating.

Contact This Provider

1400 Forest Glen Rd Suite 525, Suite 250 Silver Spring, MD 20910

7350 Van Dusen Road, Suite 460 Laurel, MD 20707

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