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participant since 1/24/2023

Tracey Gilhuly, APRN

98.4% Patient Satisfaction based on 428 ratings

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About Tracey Gilhuly:

Tracey Gilhuly, APRN, graduated from Northeastern University with her BSN and started her career in the Newborn ICU. She then worked in reproductive medicine and infertility for many years, acquiring extensive hands-on experience with a wide range of women's issues. Desiring a more comprehensive approach, Tracey received her APRN from New York University in primary and holistic medicine, along with a certification in Reiki and Therapeutic Touch.

After working in primary care in New Haven, she joined Comprehensive Gynecology of CT (formerly Fine and Gillette) in 2013 where she could return to her original passion, women's health.

Tracey’s mission is to create a safe, nurturing, holistic, and respectful environment for her patients so she can become a partner in their health. Her favorite thing about her occupation is educating young girls about what their bodies are capable of, how to love and respect their bodies, and the importance of treating one's body with care. Tracey is passionate about educating her patients on the importance of the mind and body connection.

She enjoys sports, fitness, reading, and tries to live life to the fullest, striving always to learn and grow.

Contact This Provider

60 Washington Ave Suite 201 & 206 Hamden, CT 06518

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