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participant since 10/19/2018

Trina Arce, NP

90.6% Patient Satisfaction based on 276 ratings

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About Trina Arce:

Trina joined Bauman Medical as the full-time Manager of Clinical Operations, personally trained by and working under the direction of Medical Director, Dr. Alan J. Bauman. In addition to managing Dr. Bauman’s surgical team, Trina is also charged with elevating all aspects of patient interaction and care. Her medical and clinical knowledge and experience will benefit of our patients in multiple areas; from being involved in both initial and follow-up patient consultations, to assisting and doing Platelet Rich Plasma – PRP procedures for hair regrowth, as well as actively assisting during Dr. Bauman’s hair transplant surgeries.

Trina Arce, NP-C, is board certified by the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners. She received her Nurse Practitioner Master’s Degree from Chamberlain University in Illinois and her Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Nursing from Mt. Aloysius College in Philadelphia. Trina’s background is in Medical-Surgical nursing and she has been passionate about aesthetic medicine her entire career, but she’s most well known for her bright smile and warm personality.

As a global leader in the field of hair restoration, Dr. Bauman and his Bauman Medical team are among the most experienced FUE hair transplant surgical teams worldwide having performed well over one-thousand FUE cases and transplanted nearly two million FUE grafts. Please join us by giving Trina Arce a warm welcome to our professional Bauman Medical family.

Contact This Provider

1450 S Dixie Highway Boca Raton, FL 33432

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