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Tristan G. Sanz, MD, FACOG

99.0% Patient Satisfaction based on 1093 ratings

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About Tristan Sanz:

Dr. Tristan Sanz, FACOG, has been a valued member of Lyndhurst Gynecologic Associates since August 2016. He completed his residency at Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center. Hailing from sunny Florida, he graduated summa cum laude from Florida State University with a Bachelor's of Science in Biology. Dr. Sanz then pursued his passion for medicine at the University of Florida College of Medicine, where he earned his M.D.

Specializing in high-risk obstetrics, Dr. Sanz is dedicated to providing exceptional care to expectant mothers. His expertise also extends to minimally invasive and vaginal surgery, reflected in his completion of the Focused Practice Designation in Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery through the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Dr. Sanz has dedicated a significant percentage of his practice to the care of women with benign and complex gynecologic diseases and managing these conditions using minimally invasive surgical techniques.

Beyond his professional commitments, Dr. Sanz treasures his time with family. He, along with his wife, Jen, their children Emilia and Harrison, as well as their two bonus children, Drum and Charlotte, find joy in outdoor activities, travel adventures, and boating.

Patients appreciate Dr. Sanz's compassionate approach and extensive medical knowledge, making him an integral part of our committed team at Lyndhurst Gynecologic Associates.

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