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participant since 11/28/2023

Urgent Care Pros

95.4% Patient Satisfaction based on 4022 ratings

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4 Stars (513)
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1 Star (39)
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Urgent Care Pros

(562) 452-0038

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About Urgent Care Pros:

Located in Lakewood, Cypress, and Fullerton Urgent Care Pros™ was established to provide the highest level of urgent care at an affordable price and without long wait times. Our patients are coming to us needing urgent medical attention, and we don't believe that waiting a long time to be seen should be part of the equation. We operate across Lakewood, Cypress, Fullerton, Cerritos, Los Alamitos, Long Beach, Bellflower, Downey, Anaheim, Paramount, Norwalk, Buena Park, Garden Grove, Placentia, Anaheim, and the surrounding communities.

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