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Valisha Houston, Aesthetician

96.4% Patient Satisfaction based on 11 ratings

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About Valisha Houston:

Valisha has been a licensed aesthetician since 2016, earning the designation of Master Aesthetician and a special certificate in Oncology Aesthetics. With many years of experience in plastic surgery, she takes great pride in customizing skincare treatment plans tailored to her patients’ unique needs. Valisha’s expertise also extends to lasers and radiofrequency microneedling treatments, making her a sought-after professional in her field.

Her impressive career also includes treating and advising clients at Blackberry Farm and continuing to serve at the University of Tennessee Medical Center Cancer Institute. Valisha is dedicated to helping others cultivate a positive self-image and empowering them to be their best selves. Outside of her professional pursuits, Valisha cherishes quality time with her family, exploring new destinations, and celebrating all things Christmas.

Contact This Provider

9239 Park West Blvd, Suite 202 Knoxville, TN 37923

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