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Victor Chung, MD

97.4% Patient Satisfaction based on 499 ratings

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About Victor Chung:

Dr. Victor Chung is a facial plastic surgeon residing in San Diego, California. Dr. Chung completed his undergraduate degree from Yale University and his medical degree from Tufts University. His rigorous educational background has amply prepared him to meet the demands of his patients here in California. Dr. Chung also completed a number of years of additional training. He completed a General Surgery/Otolaryngology internship at Tufts Medical Center, an Otolaryngology residency at Tufts Medical Center, and a Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Fellowship at the University of Illinois in Chicago. 

Furthermore, Dr. Chung has been participating in biological and medical research since his undergraduate career at Yale. He has participated in important studies on topics including skin grafting, rhinoplasty, and more. In addition to his research, Dr. Chung has published several peer-reviewed papers related to otolaryngology and facial rejuvenation. 

Dr. Victor Chung is a member of several medical affiliations including the American Academy of Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, the American Academy of Otolaryngology, and the American Rhinologic Society. 


Board Certification

American Board of Otolaryngology

Contact This Provider

4765 Carmel Mountain Road, Suite 103 San Diego, CA 92130

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