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participant since 5/18/2021

Wendy Lovaas, RNC, WHNP

96.8% Patient Satisfaction based on 453 ratings

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About Wendy Lovaas:

Being a Nurse Practitioner is not just a job for me, it is my primary connection to the community I grew up in. I have been providing care to women of all ages for more than 20 years. It has been a privilege to get to know entire families and watch them grow. It has been an honor to play such an important role in patients’ lives. I am excited to share my knowledge of this great community with the Oakdale ObGyn team.

A visit to our clinic should feel comfortable. I hope to always earn your respect and trust so we can have open and honest discussions about your health. When a patient leaves my office they should feel like they were heard, respected and confident in the care plan we created together.

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