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participant since 12/24/2020

Wynne S. Lee-Nunez, MD

95.4% Patient Satisfaction based on 1712 ratings

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About Wynne Lee-Nunez:

Dr. Wynne S. Lee-Nunez is a graduate of the University Of Miami School of Medicine and completed her residency at Western Pennsylvania Hospital. Dr. Lee-Nunez was in private practice in Pennsylvania until she relocated to Palm City. Dr. Lee-Nunez is on staff at Martin Memorial Hospital and she is Board Certified by the American Board of Obstetrics & Gynecology since 2001 and is a Fellow of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.

Dr. Lee-Nunez finds obstetrics and gynecology very rewarding because it combines medicine and surgery with close physician patient relationships. It is the only field in medicine that combines the many aspects of a woman’s life from puberty, the reproductive years and finally menopause. Dr. Lee-Nunez finds it extremely exciting and gratifying especially during those times when she’s able to help bring a new life into the world.

Dr. Lee-Nunez believes Physicians To Women offers the very best quality of care for the patients in our community. The philosophy of the group is unique, combining highly competent, caring physicians, midwives and nurse practitioners who work closely together with a friendly, courteous and dedicated staff.

Dr. Lee-Nunez and her husband, Dr. Robert Nunez, an Otolaryngologist with Treasure Coast Ear Nose and Throat Specialists, live in Palm City with their 2 daughters. Dr. Lee-Nunez is an accomplished violinist and pianist and enjoys traveling, movies and dining out with friends and family.

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